病 人 權 利 與 義 務 宣 言

1. 您有權享有平等的醫療資源,不因性別、種族、年齡、經濟能力及社會地位而有所不同。
You have the equal right to receive health care resources, regardless of your gender, age, race, background, and/or social economic status.
2. 您有權瞭解您的病情、病因、診斷、治療計畫及預後情形。
You have the right to understand your disease, etiology, diagnosis, treatment plans and prognosis.
3. 您有權知道手術原因、手術成功率、可能發生之併發症及危險。
You have the right to know the reasons for having this surgery, the success rate of this surgery, and the potential complications and dangers that might result from this surgery.
4. 您有權要求知道藥物之療效、副作用及使用方法。
You have the right to obtain explanations on the usage, side effects and efficacy of your medication. 
5. 您有權在接受侵入性治療及人體試驗時,事先被告知,並表示同意或拒絕。
Before undertaking an intervention or biological research plan, you have the right to be informed, and have the right to accept or reject.
6. 您的隱私權會受到尊重及保護。
Your privacy will be respected and protected.
7. 您有權經由申請取得個人的病歷摘要、診斷證明書、檢驗報告等資料。
You have the right to obtain your personal information and data from healthcare agencies, including medical history summary, and physical examination report, etc.
8. 您有權知悉各項生命末期臨終照護之選擇,包括是否接受預立醫療決定、心肺復甦術、器官捐贈、安寧療護、自動出院或自然死亡等,並表達意願,做出選擇。
You have the right to be informed of all the following elective options of medical care for the terminal stage of your life and the right to express your willingness to:
※ accept CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation);
※ give consent for advance decision, organ donation and palliative care;
※ express your wishes to get discharged from hospital or to desire a natural death.
9. 您有權要求減輕疼痛。
You have the right to ask for pain relief.
10. 您有權獲得衛教指導及出院後居家照顧的相關資訊。
You have the right to obtain any related information on home-care skills and training as well as aftercare services.
11. 對本院有任何抱怨或建議,您有權向醫院提出申訴並得到回應。
You have the right to ask and express your questions and concerns and have them addressed by the staff of this hospital.
1. 請您主動向醫師、護理人員及醫事人員告知您的健康狀況、過去病史。
You are under obligation to provide your personal health status and medical history to the medical staff.
2. 請您主動告知醫師您正在服用的藥物名稱及曾對何種藥物過敏。
You are under obligation to inform your physician of any medication that you are currently taking and any allergy that you are aware of or may have.
3. 在就醫過程中,請您確認主治醫師及其他醫護人員已確實回答您的問題。
In the process of receiving medical treatment, please ensure that you acquire the answers to any of your inquiries from your attending physician and/or any other medical staff concerned.
4. 請您確認醫師、護理人員及醫事人員對您的健康問題及治療方法已充分提供需要的資訊。
Please make sure that you have received all information that you require about your health issues and treatment plan from doctors, nurses and/or other medical team members.
5. 在給藥或進行給藥之前,請您確定醫師或護士已確認過您的身分。
At the time of, or just before, receiving your medication, please make sure that the doctor or nurse has verified your identity.
6. 請確認您的藥品名稱、數量與藥袋上所標示的無誤,並確定您已瞭解正確的用藥方式。
Please make sure that your full name, along with the amount and description of your medications are all correct and that you completely understand its usage.
7. 在簽署任何文件之前,請您仔細讀過所有的內容,並確定您已完全瞭解。
Please make sure that you read and understand the contents of all documents or forms before signing them.
8. 當您在就醫過程中有疑慮時,請立即向醫院提出反映及建議。
If you have any concerns during the process of your medical treatment, please notify and consult your attending physician or medical staff immediately.