【PCR Online Reservation】https://covid19.tmuh.org.tw/COVID19-2.aspx?eng=true

【PCR Appointment Confirmation】https://covid19.tmuh.org.tw/Covid19_Search.aspx


Please find the PCR test information below :

Price :

Rapid Request - $4,500 TWD for each person (includes one report both in English and Chinese.) Reports will be ready on the same day after 7 pm.

Regular Request – $3,500 TWD for each person and reports will be ready the next day after 7pm.

Every extra copy charges $20 TWD. Please inform the cashier staff of your needs upon your visit.


Examination time : Monday - Sunday

Location : Emergency Room

The ER staff will arrange the exam according to the situation that day so you may need to wait for a while to do the test.


Monday to Sunday

Complete the test before 10:00 am

The report will be ready on the same day after 7:00 pm.

Rapid Request Cost: $4,500 TWD

Complete the test after 10:00 am

The report will be ready on the next day after 7:00 pm.

Regular Request Cost: $3,500 TWD


Please prepare the following documents upon the visit :
ID- ARC (if you have), NHI card (if you have) and passport copy.

Electronic plane ticket.

Fill in the registration form. The link to the application form: https://covid19.tmuh.org.tw/COVID19-2.aspx?eng=true


Picking up your reports:

Please bring your ID (passport or ARC) and the invoice and follow the following instructions:

Counter 10-12 in the lobby (Building No.3) Monday – Friday 9:00-21:00, Saturday 9:00-12:00, 19:00-21:00, Sunday 19:00-21:00

Other than the time illustrated above, please visit ER cashier counter for your reports.