












  108年12月初,78歲的VENERANDA女士抵台,沒想到在臺南旅遊的時候,不慎頭部遭電視機砸落而撞擊頭部,故在12月7日時因身體不適來本院急診就醫,入院當日轉入加護病房觀察,經診斷為Nontrumatic intracerebral hemorrhage(非原發性腦出血)由於狀況特殊,隔天隨即進行緊急腦內血腫清除手術,手術後繼續在加護病房觀察狀況。




Dear All,

Just a simple note to say “ XIE XIE” for all the help you extended to us when my mother was confined at TMUH. It was not a pleasant experience at all to go through that in a foreign country, but I have to say that I was deeply impressed by the EXCELLENT medical care and SERVICE which we've never experienced before.

      It somehow lased the stress of having my mother hospitalized away from home.

      I also did not expect our visa extension to be easily proceeded. I thought I would have to go to the MOFA. I really appreciate that.

      We thank you for everyone there in TMUH who attended to our mother and should genuine concern and care.

God bless,

Ruth Tiangco