• 國立陽明大學醫學系畢業
• 臺北醫學大學臨床醫學研究所博士班
• 臺北醫學大學附設醫院小兒部小兒血液腫瘤科主任 (95年8月~迄今)
• 臺北醫學大學附設醫院血友病中心主任 (96年8月~迄今)
• 臺北醫學大學醫學系小兒部專任主治醫師 (95年8月~迄今)
• 臺灣血栓暨止血學會理事 (100年5月~迄今)
• 中華民國血液病學會專科醫師指導醫師 (104年7月~迄今)
• 中華民國兒童癌症基金會顧問醫師 (95年~迄今)
• 國立陽明大學教育部審定小兒科講師
• 臺北醫學大學醫學系小兒學科講師
• 英國愛丁堡大學Haemophilia Academy及Royal Infirmary Edinburgh血友病整體醫療中心研習 (103年10月)
• 比利時魯汶大學Brussels Saint-Luc University Hospital -UCL血友病整體醫療中心訪問 (102年9月)
• 台北榮民總醫院小兒部住院醫師及總醫師
• 台北榮民總醫院小兒部兒童血液腫瘤科研究醫師
• 台北榮民總醫院小兒部主治醫師
• 小兒科學:兒童腫瘤學 (97年~102年)、兒童血液學 (97年~迄今)
• 一般醫學概論:兒科臨床診斷學及實驗診斷學 (100年~迄今)
• 通識課程:跨領域醫病溝通案例討論 (104年~迄今)
• 首屆北醫大附設醫院暨國合會出使瓜地馬拉與宏都拉斯醫療團小兒科主治醫師 (95年11~12月)
• 小兒科專科醫師證書
• 中華民國血液及骨隨移植專科醫師證書
• 中華民國血液病學會專科醫師證書
• 臺灣兒科醫學會
• 台灣血栓暨止血學會
• 中華民國血液病學會
• 中華民國血液及骨隨移植學會
• 兒童重症醫學次專科委員會
• 星期二 下午
• 星期五 上午
• 星期一 下午(健兒門診)
• 星期二 夜診
• 星期五 下午
1.Chia-Yau Chang、Jiann-Shiuh Chen、Shu-Hsia Hu、Shin-Nan Cheng、Shyr-Yi Lin、Yeu-Chin Chen*. Genotype Characteristics of von Willebrand Disease in Taiwan. Haemophilia 2016; 22(Suppl. 3): 108. [SCI, IF: 3.17, Ranking 24/67=35.8%]
2.Chia-Yau Chang、Jiann-Shiuh Chen、Shu-Hsia Hu、Shin-Nan Cheng、Shyr-Yi Lin、Yeu-Chin Chen*. Clinical Features and Genotypes of 6 Taiwanese Patients with Type 3 von Willebrand Disease. Haemophilia 2016; 22(Suppl. 3): 108. [SCI, IF: 3.17, Ranking 24/67=35.8%]
3.Chia-Yau Chang、Tsung-Ying Li、Shin-Nan Cheng、Ru-Yu Pan、Hung-Jung Wang、Shyr-Yi Lin、Yeu-Chin Chen*. Prevalence and Severity by Age and Other Clinical Correlates of Haemophilic Arthropathy of the Elbow, Knee, and Ankle among Taiwanese Patients With Haemophilia. Haemophilia 2016; : .[In revision]
4.Ting-Lin Yen, Ming-Ping Wu, Chi-Li Chung, Wen-Bin Yang, Thanasekaran Jayakumar, Pitchairaj Geraldin, Chih-Ming Chou, Chia-Yau Chang, Wan-Jung Lu, Joen-Rong Sheu*. Novel synthetic benzimidazole-derived oligosaccharide, M3BIM, prevents ex vivo platelet aggregation and in vivo thromboembolism. J Biomed Sci 2016;23:26. [SCI, IF: 2.763, Ranking:50/123=40.7%]
5.Lo PH, Huang YF, Chang CC, Yeh CC, Chia-Yau Chang, Cherng YG, Chen TL, Liao CC. Risk and Mortality of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in Patients with Thrombocytopenia:Two Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Studies. Eur J Intern Med 2016;27:86-90. [SCI, IF: 2.891, Ranking: 26/154= <17%]
6.Chia-Yau Chang, Chun-Yao Huang, Tsai CH, Shen MC, Chen YC, Tsai JR, Yeh GC, Liu YL. Successful Multi-vessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Acute Coronary Syndrome in a Severe Taiwanese Hemophiliac with HIV Infection under HARRT:The First Reported Case in Chinese Population. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2015; 13(Suppl.2):589. [SCI, IF: 6.081, Ranking 7/67 < 10.5%]
7.Chia-Yau Chang, Tsung-Ying Li, Shin-Nan Cheng, Ru-Yu Pan, Hung-Jung Wang, Shi-Yi Lin, Yeu-Chin Chen*. Prevalence, Severity and Correlation Factors of Hemophilic Arthropathy Among Taiwanese Hemophiliacs. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2015; 13(Suppl.2):847-848. [SCI, IF: 6.081, Ranking 7/67 < 10.5%]
8.Chia-Yau Chang , Shu-Huey Chen*, Yeh GC, Tsai CH, Tsai JR, Liu YL. Inhibitor Development as Switching Full-length rFVIII to B-domain deleted rFVIII in Previously Treated Patients with Hemophilia A:Taiwan’s Experience. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2015; 13(Suppl.2):856-857. [SCI, IF: 6.081, Ranking 7/67 < 10.5%]
9.Chia-Yau Chang, Yeh GC, Shi-Yi Lin, Ing-Jy Tseng, Tsai CH, Yuan-Wen Lee*. Trends in the Epidemiology, Diagnosed Age, and Mortality Rate of Hemophiliacs in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study, 1997-2009. Haemophilia 2014; 1-6. DOI: 10.1111/hae.12373. [SCI, IF: 3.17, Ranking 24/67=35.8%]
10.Chia-Yau Chang, Shu-Hsia Hu, Shin-Nan Chien, Yeu-Chin Chen. Congenital coagulation Factor VII deficiency: A Clinical and Genetic Study of Taiwanese Patients. Haemophilia 2014; 20 (Suppl. 3): 106. [SCI, IF: 3.17, Ranking 24/67=35.8%]
11.Mei-Mei Cheng, Chia-Yau Chang, Yuan-Wen Lee, Yeh GC, Liu YL, Tsai CH, Tsai JR. Co-morbidities and HIV Infection of Hemophiliacs in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study. Haemophilia 2014; 20 (Suppl. 3): 30-31. [SCI, IF: 3.17, Ranking 24/67=35.8%]
12.Chia-Yau Chang, Chian-Her Lee, Hsien-Tsung Lu, Jiunn-Horng Kang, Tsai CH, Yeh GC. Arthroscopic Synovectomy for Hemophilic Arthropathy of Hemophiliacs in Taiwan. Haemophilia 2014; 20 (Suppl. 3): 72. [SCI, IF: 3.17, Ranking 24/67=35.8%]
13.Chang CC, Chang HC, Wu CH, Chia-Yau Chang, Liao CC, Chen TL*. Postoperative Adverse Outcomes in Surgical Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenia: A Population-based Study. British J Surg 2013; 100: 684-692. [SCI, IF: 4.6, Ranking 5/198 = 2.5%]
14.Mei-Mei Cheng, Huang CF, Yang LY, Lin YG, Peng HJ, Chia-Yau Chang, Sheng CC, Tzee-Chung Wu*. Development of Serum IgA and IgM levels in Breast-fed and Formula-fed Infants During the First Week of Life. Early Hum Dev 2012;88(9):743-745. [SCI, IF: 2.046, Ranking 36/123 < 30%]
15.Chia-Yau Chang, Yen GC, Lee YW*, Chen TL, Tseng IJ, Lin SY, Tsai CH, Tsai JR, Wang CH. Haemophilia in Taiwan: A Population-base Study on Epidemiology, Age at Diagnosis, Mortality, and 13-years Trend by National Health Insurance Research Database 1997-2009. Haemophilia 2012;18 (Suppl. 3): 44. [SCI, IF: 3.17, Ranking 24/67=35.8%]
16.Chia-Yau Chang, Ying-Chieh Shih, Hung-Jung Wang, Ming-Shium Hsieh*. Popliteal Cyst Rupture Presenting as Refractory Recurrent Hemorrhage of Right Lower Leg. Haemophilia 2011; 17: 320-322. [SCI, IF: 3.17, Ranking 24/67=35.8%]
17.Chia-Yau Chang, Tsai CH, Tsai IR, Yen GC, Lin SY, Tseng IJ. Concurrence of type II von Willebrand Disease and Sever Hemophilia B in a Taiwanese: a Case Report and Review of Literature. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2011; 9 (Suppl. 2): 450. [SCI, IF: 6.081, Ranking 7/67 < 10.5%]
18.Chia-Yau Chang, Tsai CH, Tsai IR, Yen GC, Lin SY, Tseng IJ. Concurrence of Classic Type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Moderate Hemophilia A in a Taiwanese: a Case Report. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2011; 9 (Suppl. 2):475. [SCI, IF: 6.081, Ranking 7/67 < 10.5%]
19.Chia-Yau Chang, Tsai CH, Tsai IR, Yen GC, Lin SY, Tseng IJ. Successful Treatment of Hemothorax and Intracranial Hemorrhage in a Taiwanese Hemophiliac with Inhibitors by Avtivated Recombinant Factor VII and Positive Pressure Ventilation. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2011;9 (Suppl. 2):228-229. [SCI, IF: 6.081, Ranking 7/67 < 10.5%]
21.Chia-Yau Chang, Tseng IJ, M. HSIEH*, Y. SHIH. Bone Mineral Density Among Adults with Hemophilia: the Preliminary Report in Taiwan. Haemophilia 2010;16 (Suppl. 4): 22. [SCI, IF: 3.17, Ranking 24/67=35.8%]
22.W Lo, C Hsu, T Huang, Chia-Yau Chang, H Chang, C Hsu. Establishment of Public Cord Blood Bank in Taiwan: a 5-years Experiment in HealthBanks Biotech Company. Transfusion 2009;49 (suppl.3):181A. [SCI, IF: 3.217, Ranking 26/68 <40%]
23.Hsiu-Ju Yen, Tzeon-Jye Chiou*, Giun-Yi Hung, Chia-Yau Chang, Ming-Yun Hsieh, Cheng-Hwai Tzeng, Po-Min Chen, Ren-Bin Tang. Long-term mixed full-donor chimerism with dominance reversion after a double-unit cord blood transplant. Eur J Haematol 2008; 80(4): 366-367. [SCI, IF: 2.614, Ranking 34/68=50%]
24.Chia-Yau Chang, Tzeon-Jye Chiou, Betau Hwang, Li-Yuan Bai, Wen-Ming Hsu, Yuh-Lin Hsieh. Retinoblastoma in Taiwan: Survival Rates and Prognostic Factors. Jap J Ophthalmol 2006;50(3):242-249. [SCI, IF: 1.795, Ranking: 42/56]
25.Chia-Yau Chang, Giun-Yi Hung, Wen-Ming Hsu, Shu-Ching Kao, Betau Hwang Yuh-Lin Hsieh. Retinoblastoma with Spinal Metastasis Presenting As Spinal Cord Compression – Report of Two Cases. J Formos Med Assoc 2006;105(6):497-502. [SCI, IF: 0.661, Ranking 77/103]
26.Ming-Yun Hsieh, Giun-Yi Hung, Yuh-Lin Hsieh, Chia-Yau Chang, Betau Hwang. Deep sedation with methohexital or thiamylal with midazolam for invasive procedures in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Acta Paediatr Tw 2005;46:294-300. [SCI, IF: 0.747, Ranking 89/107]
27.Giun-Yi Hung, Tzeon-Jye Chiou, Chia-Yau Chang, Hao-Wei Teng, Po-Min Chen, Betau Hwang. Double-Unit Unrelated Cord Blood Transplantation for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Int J Hematol 2005;82:159-161. [SCI, IF: 1.670, Ranking 55/68]
28.Chien-Hungn Lin, Giun-Yi Hung, Chia-Yau Chang, Jen-Chung Chien. Subdural Hemorrhage in a Child with Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Presenting with Subtle Headache. J Chin Med Assoc 2005;69(9):437-440.
29.Chia-Yau Chang, Tzeon-Jye Chiou, Yuh-Lin Hsieh, Shin-Nan Cheng. Leukemic infiltration of the Urinary Bladder Presenting as Uncontrollable Gross Hematuria in a Child With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2003;25(9):735-9. [SCI, IF: 1.463, Ranking 64/94]
30.Chia-Yau Chang, Yuh-Lin Hsieh, Giun-Yi Hung, Chin-Chen Pan, Betau Hwang. Ganglioneuroma Presenting as an Asymptomatic Huge Posterior Mediastinal and Retroperitoneal Tumor. J Chin Med Assoc 2003;66:370-4.
31.Ming-Yang Lee, Tzeon-Jye Chiou, Li-Yuan Bai, Liang-Tsai Hsiao, Giun-Yi Hung, Chia-Yau Chang, Po-Min Chen. Intravenous Busulfan as Preparative Regimen in Pediatric Patients Receiving Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation:The Preliminary Experience in Taiwan. J Chin Med Assoc 2003;67:117-122.
32.Chia-Yau Chang, Ching-Yuang Lin. Failure to Thrive in Children with Primary Distal Type Renal Tubular Acidosis. Acta Paediatr Tw 2002;43:334-9. [SCI, IF: 0.747, Ranking 89/107]
33.Chia-Yau Chang, Keh-Gong Wu, Chui-Mei Tiu, Betau Hwang. Fibrous Dysplasia of Mandible with Chronic Osteomyelitis in a Child:Report of One Case. Acta Paediatr Tw 2002;43:354-7. [SCI, IF: 0.747, Ranking 89/107]
1. [日本,奈良] Chia-Yau Chang, Tsung-Ying Li, Shin-Nan Cheng, Ru-Yu Pan, Hung-Jung Wang, Shi-Yi Lin, Yeu-Chin Chen*. 2015 East Asia Hemophilia Forum (EAHF). Prevalence and Severity by Age and Other Clinical Correlates of Haemophilic Arthropathy of the Elbow, Knee, and Ankle among Taiwanese Patients With Haemophilia.2015,11,14.(1-B1).
2. [日本,奈良] Chia-Yau Chang, Shu-Huey Chen*, Chen-Hua Tsai, Jia-ruey Tsai, Geng-Chang Yeh, Shi-Yi Lin, Yen-Lin Liu. 2015 East Asia Hemophilia Forum (EAHF). Inhibitor Development as Switching Full-length rFVIII to B-domain deleted rFVIII in Taiwanese Previously Treated Patients with Hemophilia A.2015,11,14.(1-D3).
3. [日本,奈良] Chia-Yau Chang, Ming-Ching Shen, Yeu-Chin Chen, Chen-Hua Tsai, Jia-Ruey Tsai, Yen-Lin Liu, Geng-Chang Yeh,Chun-Yao Huang*. 2015 East Asia Hemophilia Forum (EAHF). Successful Multi-vessel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Ischemia Heart Disease in a Severe-type Hemophiliac with HIV Infection under HARRT:The First Case of Taiwan. 2015,11,15.(2-C3).
4. [澳洲,墨爾本] Chia-Yau Chang, Ta-Liang Chen, Yuan-Wen Lee, Ing-Jy Tseng, Shi-Yi Lin. 2012 7th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (APSTH). Epidemiology, Demographics, Age at Diagnosis, and Mortality of Taiwanese Hemophiliacs: a Nationwide Study by National Health Insurance Research Database. 2012,10,31. (O126).
- Chia-Yau Chang, Hsien-Tsung Lu, Jiunn-Horng Kang, Chian-Her Lee. 2014 8th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (APSTH). Arthroscopic Synovectomy in Hemophilic Arthropathy of the Knee, Elbow and Ankle: Taiwan Experience. 2014,10,9~11. (No.22)
- Chia-Yau Chang, Yuan-Wen Lee, Ing-Jy Tseng, Chen-Hua Tsai, Yen-Lin Liu, Geng-Chang Yeh. 2013 East Asia Hemophilia Forum (EAHF). Mortality Rates and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection of Hemophiliacs in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study, 1997-2009. 2013,9,7~8.(P4)
- Hsien-Tsung Lu, Chia-Yau Chang, Chian-Her Lee, Jiunn-Horng Kang. 2013 East Asia Hemophilia Forum (EAHF). Arthroscopic Synovectomy in Hemophilic Arthropathy of the Knee, Elbow and Ankle in Taiwan. 2013,9,7~8.(P3)
- Chia-Yau Chang, Cheng Mei-Mei, Ing-Jy Tseng. 2012 7th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (APSTH). Platelet Dysfunction Exacerbated Irreversibly by Acquired Autoimmune Hypothyroidism in a Taiwanese Female with Congenital Storage Pool Disease – a Clinical Observation. 2012,10,29. (P052)
- Cheng Mei-Mei, Chia-Yau Chang *, Ing-Jy Tseng. 2012 7th Congress of the Asian Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (APSTH). Childhood Antiphospholipid Syndrome Mimicking Hemophilia with Severe Arthralgia and Isolated Prolonged aPTT in a Taiwanese Boy – a Rare Case Report. 2012,10,29. (P111)
- Wei-Yu Lo, Chia-Yau Chang, Wei-Chun Chen, Hsiu Kang Chang. 2011 Clinical Immunohematology Chinese Forum, International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). The Management of Public Cord Blod Bank in Taiwan – A successful Case in Improving Quality of Unrelated Cord Blood Products by Biotech Industry. 2011,11,19.
- Hsiu-Ju Yen, Tzeon-Jye Chiou, Giun-Yi Hung, Chia-Yau Chang, Ming-Yun Hsieh, Cheng-Hwai Tzeng, Po-Min Chen, Ren-Bin Tang. 2010 XXXIII World Congress of International Society of Hematology (ISH). Donor lymphocyte infusion for prophylaxis and treatment of relapse in pediatric hematological malignancies after HSCT: A single institution experience. 2010,10,10-13.
BAX326 (重組第九凝血(IX)因子):針對先前接受治療的重度(FIX 濃度< 1%)或中度(FIX 濃度介於1-2%)B型血友病病患所做之安全性、免疫生成性與止血療效評估 – 延伸性試驗
評估BAY 86-6150對於患有A型血友病或B型血友病且產生抗體的受試者之安全性及療效。
- 張家堯。血友病老年化相關共病症:2014最新研究進展。台灣血栓暨止血學會Newsletter 2014;4:8-18。
- 張家堯。2006年中美洲人道外交義診行--深度之旅。台灣醫界 2007;50:546-50。
- 張家堯、洪君儀。兒童特發性血小板低下紫斑症。臨床醫學 2006;58:359-66。
- 張家堯、牛道明。中樞性尿崩症。臨床醫學 2001;47:31-36。
- 張家堯、牛道明。大腦耗鹽症候群與抗利尿激素不當分泌症候症。臨床醫學 2000;46:385-392。
- 張家堯、胡淑霞、錢興南、林時宜、陳宇欽*. 中華民國血液病學會、中華民國血液及骨髓移植學會105年度聯合學術年會:台灣類血友病患之基因型特徵 Genotype Characteristics of Von Willebrand Disease in Taiwan. 2016,4,16.
- 張家堯、陳建旭、胡淑霞、錢興南、林時宜、陳宇欽*. 中華民國血液病學會、中華民國血液及骨髓移植學會105年度聯合學術年會:台灣六位第3型類血友病患之新奇基因突變與臨床表徵 Clinical Features and Novel Mutations of 6 Taiwanese Patients with Type 3 von Willebrand Disease. 2016,4,16.
- 張家堯、胡淑霞、林時宜、陳宇欽*. 中華民國血液病學會、中華民國血液及骨髓移植學會第161次聯合學術研討會、台灣血栓暨止血學會104年度第三次學術研討會: 體顯性遺傳之新奇錯義突變之第一型類血友病父母所生第三型類血友病病患在近親結婚的一個台灣家庭A Novel Missense Mutation of Type III VWD with Homozygous Dominant Inheritance in a Taiwanese Consanguineous Family. 2015,12,19.
- 張家堯. 台灣血栓暨止血學會104年度第二次學術研討會:Post-ISTH review: Update Long-acting Clotting Factor Concentrates for Hemophilia. 2015,8,22.
- 張家堯. 台灣血栓暨止血學會104年度第二次學術研討會:Post-ISTH review: Update Tranexamic acid in Trauma. 2015,8,22.
- 張家堯、黃群耀、蔡振華. 台灣血栓暨止血學會104年度第一次學術研討會:Successful Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Ischemic Heart Disease in a Severe Hemophiliac with HIV infection under HARRT: The First Case Report in Taiwan. 2015,1,31.
- 張家堯. 台灣血栓暨止血學會103年度第二次學術研討會:Cardiovascular Risks in Hemophiliacs and the Guidelines for Managing Ischemic Heart Disease in Hemophiliacs by ADVANCE working group.2015,1,31.
- 徐瑞聲、張家堯*. 臺灣兒科醫學會北區聯合病例討論會: A Newborn girl with Multiple Pustules on Macules over the whole body since birth. (Incontinentia Pigmenti). 2014,9,24.
- 張家堯. 台灣血栓暨止血學會103年度第二次學術研討會: Post-WFH review: Update of Aging-related Co-morbidities of Hemophiliacs. 2014,9,20.
- 張家堯、王鴻蓉、曾櫻枝、蔡振華、蔡佳叡、呂憲宗、康峻宏、李建和*. 中華民國血液病學會、中華民國血液及骨髓移植學會第157次聯合學術研討會: Effectiveness, Safety and Predictive Factors for Outcome of Arthroscopic Synovectomy for Hemophilic Arthropathies.2014,8,16.
- 張家堯、李元文*、蔡振華、蔡佳叡. 台灣血栓暨止血學會103年度聯合年會: Co-morbidities and HIV Infection of Hemophiliacs in Taiwan: A Population-Based Study. 2014,5,17.
- 張家堯、呂憲宗、康峻宏、李建和*. 台灣血栓暨止血學會103年度聯合年會: Arthroscopic Synovectomy for Hemophilic Arthropathy of Hemophiliacs in Taiwan. 2014,5,17.
- 王靜韻、張家堯*. 臺灣兒科醫學會北區聯合病例討論會: A 2-month-old female infant with a Bulging Mass over Anterior Fontanelle. (Epidemoid cyst). 2014,3,12.
- 張家堯.台灣血栓暨止血學會102年度第二次學術研討會: Post-ISTH review: Inherited Platelet Disorders Update. 2013,8,24.
- 張家堯.台灣血栓暨止血學會102年度聯合年會: Successful Immune Tolerance Induction Therapy Without Immune Anamnestic Response in a Previously-treated Hemophiliac with Full-length rFVIII and Inhibitors Developing After Switching Treatment to B-domain Deleted rFVIII. 2013,5,18.
- 張家堯.台灣血栓暨止血學會101年度第二次學術研討會: Post-WFH review: Inherited Platelet Disorders. 2012,8,25.
- 張家堯.台灣血栓暨止血學會101年度聯合年會: ACCP guideline: Antithrombotic Therapy in Neonates and Children. 2012,5,19.
- 張家堯.台灣血栓暨止血學會101年度聯合年會: Age at diagnosis, mortality, and 13-year trend of hemophilia in Taiwan: a nationwide study by national health insurance research database 1997-2009. 2012,5,19.
- 張家堯.臺灣兒科醫學會第208屆學術演講會: Hemophilia in Taiwan: a Nationwide Study on Demographics, Age at Diagnosis and Mortality 1998-2008. 2011,11,26.(No.81)
- 張家堯.台灣血栓暨止血學會100年度第1屆學術研討會: Hemophilia in Taiwan: a Nationwide Study on Demographics and Epidemiology 1998-2008. 2011,10,1.(No.4)
- 張家堯.台灣血栓暨止血學會100年度第1屆學術研討會: Post-ISTH review: 1.Biology of Von Willebrand Factor and Phenotype/genotype Relationship in Von Willebrand Disease 2.Rare Bleeding Disorder: the Preliminary Analysis from EN-RBD Database. 2011,10,1.(Topic 3)
- 張家堯.中華民國血液病學會、中華民國血液及骨髓移植學會第148次聯合學術研討會: Demographics and epidemiology of hemophilia in Taiwan: a nationwide study 1999-2008. 2011,9,3.(No.12)
- 張家堯.中華民國血液病學會、中華民國血液及骨髓移植學會第147次聯合學術研討會: Successful Treatment of Hemothorax and Intracranial Hemorrhage in a Hemophiliac with Inhibitors by Recombinant Factor VIIa and Positive Pressure Ventilation. 2011,4,16.(No.5)
- 蔡佳叡、張家堯*.中華民國血液病學會、中華民國血液及骨髓移植學會第147次聯合學術研討會: Popliteal Cyst Rupture in a Hemophiliac Presenting as Refractory Recurrent Right Lower Leg Hemorrhage. 2011,4,16.(No.4)
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- 張家堯. 中華民國血液病學會、中華民國血液及骨髓移植學會第145次聯合學術研討會: Bone mineral density among adults with hemophiliacs: the pilot study in Taiwan.2010,8,14.
- 林德祺、張家堯*、林守田. 臺灣兒科醫學會北區聯合病例討論會: Painless movable subcutaneous mass at left upper arm.(Kimura disease). 2008,9,10.
- 張家堯.臺灣兒科醫學會第192屆學術演講會: Clinical and survival characteristics of Retinoblastoma in Taiwan - experience at Taipei Veterans General Hospital. 2004,11,16.